The CR Buyers Group is a 501(C)(3) CharityOur Mission The goal of the CR Buyers Group is to support Texas youth education and charities, and have fun while making a positive impact! This includes contributing to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ auctions, fundraising events and other Texas organizations. "We put the 'FUN' in FUNdraising!" The CR Buyers Group was formed in 2018. It evolved over the years from the CR Drinking Team. It was an idea that I had after attending the Houston Rodeo for the first time in 2001. I noticed that everyone was wearing badges and were part of a group, a club or a team. Since I lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the time, it was going to be hard to join any of them. So, I thought what the heck... I would show them and start my own club! Now the question, what to name it? Well, as I was enjoying a Crown & Water, it came to me... the answer had been in front of me the whole time – “The CR Drinking Team”!!! It was perfect. I liked Crown Royal, it was made in Canada just like me, and CR is my initials! So, in 2002 I showed up with my own badges – the “CR Drinking Team.” I had them made up in Calgary, AB and took them to Houston. There were only about 10 members originally, and I was amazed at how everyone looked at them and wanted to know how to get one. I guess it helped when I was told that Texas drinks more Crown Royal per capita than anyone, DUH! So, the next year I had more badges made up for people, and the next year and so on and so on – until they finally were over a 100. It was costing me at that time over $500 to get the badges made up. Great idea Cam, BUT...??? So that is when we came up with the idea of formalizing the team and having a big party and handing out Rookie badges. Over time, the name evolved to the “CR Team” and we grew even more. I loved this so much, and the HLSR, the State of Texas and the friends I made, my wife and I now live on an acreage in Tomball, TX. We are not from TEXAS...but we got here as fast as we could! In 2018 the “CR Buyers Group”, officially became a 501(c)(3) charity, composed of up to 150 Active Members. The CR Team falls under the CR Buyers Group umbrella, supports our fundraising efforts and has over 400 participants. The “CR Buyers Group” hosts a great Fundraiser on the first Saturday of HLSR each year, Spring and Fall fundraising dances and other events. We donate our proceeds to the youth and education of TEXAS and support several other local charities! We have come a long way from our 10 members in 2002. We have donated over $385,000 to HLSR to date, and food and meat packages to local charities. We have lofty goals for 2025! We have a great bunch of volunteers, sponsors and donors who make this group possible. I look forward to seeing all y’all soon! We appreciate your support! President & Founder Cam Raison | Upcoming eventsRecent News
"We put the "FUN" in FUNdraising!" |
Benefits of becoming a member Raise money for the youth of Texas and local charities. Attend the HUGE Fundraiser on the 1st Saturday of Rodeo. Volunteer and attend Dances, Sunday Fundays and other event. |
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